Dear All,

We are glad to announce the NEW DATES for the 11th International Congress on Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome

June 5-8, 2025 The Summit Hotel 5345 Medpace Way Cincinnati, OH

This will be a face-to-face event only, featuring international speakers giving talks to both our SDS community and scientific community.

Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of the research and the talks, we will not be able to stream this event online.

We hope you can join us in Cincinnati, and we look forward to seeing you!

Local Organizing Committee

Local Organising Committee Chairs: Dr. Kasiani Myers and Dr. Stella Davies, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

About SDS Congress:
This Congress is held every other year in different locations throughout Europe and North America.
It is the only scientific congress dedicated to Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome.
This year, the congress will meet June 5-8, 2025 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The most recent SDS congresses were held in Verona IT, 2016 - Houston US, 2018 - Cambridge UK, 2023.

Local Organizing Committee
Nataly Wickham, MHA
Cincinnati Children’s
Phone: +1 513 803 2152 (3-2152)

Local Organising Committee Chairs
Dr. Kasiani Myers and Dr. Stella Davies
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital